Water & Electricity

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Kurdistan - Water & Electricity

The Kurdistan Region is an autonomous region in northern Iraq comprising the four Kurdish-majority governorates of Dohuk, Erbil, Halabja and Sulaymaniyah and bordering Iran, Syria and Turkey.


Drinking Water

Tap water is not recommended for drinking in Iraq due to poor water treatment plant infrastructure and conditions. Bottled water is readily available. Our company car keep containers of bottled water in the vehicles when traveling. However, 90% of the areas we travel to, have safe to drink water straight from the tap especially in areas close to natural springs, but we still recommend drinking bottled water.



There are two way of supplying electricity which is the public electricity provided by the government up on running schedule. The other way is the private neighborhood generator are used to close the gap in the electricity suppliers. Many families and business like hotels, companies run their own generator to keep the full supplying power.


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Contact Info

Iraq - Kurdistan Region ,Erbil ,Gullan Str. (+964)772-445-5020 travel@mesopotamiatours.com

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